Connect America’s CMO Dorit Baxter was recently interviewed by Steffen Horst of the Performance Delivered Insider Secrets for Digital Marketing Success podcast. They discuss how you know it’s time for a rebrand, why your brand impacts performance, and the most important steps in the branding process.
Time for a Rebrand
To decide if it is time for a rebrand you should be asking yourself and your team a few questions. These would include if a rebrand would give you a leg up on the competition, if you a lacking visibility or recognition, if you are changing direction within the company and focusing on new products and services or growing and scaling into a larger organization.
Brandings Impact on Performance
Be sure to have measurements in place, and if you meet or exceed those measurements, you know, your brand awareness is growing. There is going to be a correlation between those metrics and opportunities that could lead to sales.
It is optimal to bring awareness to your new branding. Invest in getting your thought leaders out there and speaking engagements, having them interview, writing by lines, doing all the things that you need to do to raise your awareness. In doing so you can increase the number of inbound inquiries that are coming asking for our input on products or solutions.
Steps in the Branding Process
First you should be getting some kind of market feedback. It is also important to communicate internally why you chose the brand and tie your values and your mission. Hold workshops, do exercises to get them thinking about the importance of branding, that really helps people felt invested in the process.