News & Updates

Chief Health Informatics Officer Rosemary Kennedy news graphic

Boosting Quality, Patient Adherence While Cutting Costs with Medication Management Devices

With 50% of medications for chronic diseases are not being taken as prescribed, medication non-adherence, particularly among senior patients, is a costly problem. 

Chief Health Informatics Officer Rosemary Kennedy news graphic

Digital Tools Give Providers A Lot of Data, But Can Clinicians Trust It?

Rosemary Kennedy,  PhD, RN, MBA, FAAN, Connect America’s Chief Informatics Officer, is one of the experts interviewed by Modern Healthcare regarding the lack of standardized measures for digital tools and whether this could slow provider adoption.

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How AI-Powered Remote Patient Monitoring Can Improve Healthcare

In her latest article published by AHIMA, Rosemary Kennedy, PhD, RN, MBA, FAAN, Connect America’s Chief Informatics Officer, explores how AI-powered RPM represents one of healthcare’s best options to meet the challenges and expectations that lay ahead.

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Looking Ahead to 2022: 12 healthcare execs offer their predictions

Connect America’s Richard Brooks is one of healthcare executives featured in FierceHealthcare offering his insights for 2022 and the future of digital healthcare at home.

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Connecting Care in the Home with John Brady

In Connecting Care to the Home, John Brady Connect America’s Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer was recently interviewed by Mike Biselli for the Passionate Pioneer podcast.

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The Impact of Sunsetting 3G on Healthcare

Janet Dillione, Connect America’s CEO breaks down the impact of 3G sunsetting and who is affected in this recent interview on the B-Time podcast with Beth Bierbower.

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3 Ways Technology Can Diversify the Care Circle for Seniors

In a new article published by Home Care Magazine, Rosemary Kennedy, PhD, RN, MBA, FAAN, Connect America’s Chief Informatics Officer explores the 3 Ways Technology Can Diversify the Care Circle for Seniors. 

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Thinking Beyond the Button: Home Health Care Technology for Older Adults

Connect America’s CEO Janet Dillione explains how no single technology solution is enough to deliver optimal care and services to the growing population of seniors at home.

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Leveraging Connected Health Technology to Combat Social Isolation

In a recent article published by Healthcare Business Today, Connect America’s Rosemary Kennedy explores how “new home healthcare technologies, namely PERS and RPM, are taking the pressure off the healthcare delivery model.”